In Situ Site Investigation has a wealth of experience in completing both CPT testing and UXO clearance surveys in the Marine environment.
Marine Services
Our experienced Marine CPT team undertakes projects in both nearshore (less than 40m water depth) and offshore environments (greater than 40m water depth).

In Situ Site Investigation’s Marine CPT Services
In Situ Site Investigation has the capability to carry out testing from floating pontoons, jack-up barges, and nearshore multi-cat survey vessels – along with much larger offshore DP vessels. We operate in many different environments ranging from rivers, estuaries, and lakes to the open sea or ocean.
Previous projects include port extensions in the Middle East and Southern Africa and wind farms including HVDC cable and gas pipeline projects in the North Sea, Baltic Sea, Irish Sea, and Bay of Biscay.
Marine CPT Investigations can be undertaken utilising one of our conventional top drive CPT rigs from a static barge, workboat, or pontoon, or using one of our specialist umbilical controlled seabed systems deployed via a multi-cat workboat or larger DP vessel.
In Situ Site Investigation also offers CPT data interpretation, marine sample processing, and subsequent geotechnical reporting services to a wide range of clients from across the marine survey sector.

Neptune 5000 35kN Coiled Rod PCPT System
In Situ Site Investigation’s Marine CPT service includes the Neptune 500 35kN Coiled Rod PCPT System. We can undertake underwater seabed/riverbed PCPT testing up to an operating depth of 300m below water level, in accordance with the ISO 22476-1 Standard.
The N-5000 is a high-tech Marine CPT device for performing piezocone surveys from bed level using 5cm (2) digital non-extractive cones that penetrate the subsoil at a constant velocity of 2cm with a maximum achievable thrust of 35kN.

Roson 100kN Rigid Rod PCPT System
In Situ Site Investigation has the capability to undertake full force underwater seabed/riverbed Marine CPT testing up to an operating depth of 2000m below water level, in accordance with the ISO 22476-1.
The Roson 100 is a high-tech Marine CPT device for performing piezocone surveys from bed level using a 10cm(2) digital Icone data acquisition system that penetrates the subsoil at a constant velocity of 2cm with a maximum achievable thrust of 100kN. The innovative electrical hydraulic force drive wheel system pushes a pre-assembled CPT string into the seabed/riverbed which can reach up to 10m penetration depth in ideal soil conditions utilising standard 36mm outside diameter rigid steel CPT rods.

In Situ Site Investigation Accredited Marine CPT Experts
Established in 2008, In Situ Site Investigation has international experience in undertaking Marine CPT projects in diverse locations worldwide with the use of our versatile equipment which can be easily mobilised for use in challenging environments.
Our team at In Situ Site Investigation has a global presence which reflects our adaptability, expertise, and tailored solutions to meet the unique challenges of each project.
Our Marine CPT team works to the highest accredited standards complying with ISO 22476-1 which involves the proper planning and execution of static penetration tests. We ensure that all Marine CPT testing equipment is calibrated and operated in accordance with guidelines and document all of the testing process, data recording, and reporting as outlined within the ISO 22467 series.

Contact us for more information about our Marine CPT services