In Situ Site Investigation has extensive experience completing CPTs, seismic tests, and MOSTAP sampling on numerous TSF mine sites internationally.  

Ensuring Safety with Tailing Storage Facilities Services 

Tailings are by-products produced in the extraction and processing of minerals from ore and consist of finely ground rock, water, and processing reagents. Tailing Storage Facilities are engineered structures that store and manage tailings safely, preventing environmental hazards. 

In Situ Site Investigation provide specialised services in relation to Tailing Storage Facilities with a particular focus on challenging environments. We utilise our versatile set of detachable rams, most notably the CPT 004, to undertake and assist with projects in complex locations and demanding terrains.   

Tailings Storage Facilities CPT testing mobile equipment

Our Expertise in Tailing Storage Facilities  

In Situ Site Investigation have undertaken TSF services throughout the UK, Europe, Africa, and Asia.

Past locations have included gold mines and copper mines in Armenia, as well as gold mines in Burkina Faso, Africa. We are currently undertaking work in Eastern Europe.

All project locations have been challenging to operate in but achievable using our versatile set of detachable rams (CPT 004). With the whole system weighing approximately 1 tonne once fully assembled, it is extremely easy to mobilise and capable of pushing up to 20 tonnes once attached to plant machinery.

In the past, we have used tracked bulldozers, allowing access across tailings dams. These rams have previously pushed over 50m, with the capability of achieving greater depths. The rams are compact and portable which can be fully broken down into single components, fitting into a single crate to be shipped worldwide, reducing mobilisation costs.

Tailings Storage Facilities CPT testing mobile equipment

The CPT unit consists of; ‘H’ frame base with anchoring eyes, a twin hydraulic ram system, a connecting ram head, a mechanical push/pull clamp, and a variable speed hydraulic control unit with connecting hydraulic hoses and fittings. These rams push to the 2cm/s scientific standard with a maximum push/pull force of 220 kN.

Partner With In Situ Site Investigation

Established in 2008, In Situ Site Investigation has international experience in undertaking and completing TSFs services in diverse locations worldwide with the use of our versatile equipment which can be easily mobilised for use in challenging environments. 

Our team has a global presence which reflects our adaptability, expertise, and tailored solutions to meet the unique challenges of each project. It also means we have a deep understanding of local and international guidelines and adhere to local and international regulations in every project. 

Our core approach lies in our dedication to continuous improvement, ensuring that we stay at the forefront of in-situ testing techniques and emerging technologies.

Tailings Storage Facilities CPT testing mobile equipment

Contact us for more information about our TSF Services  
