One of the key services we offer includes our Intrusive Magnetometer System which is used to survey UXB (unexploded bombs) across a range of environments including, Rivers (and Riverbanks), Land, Harbours, Railways, Tidal and Near Shore Marine sites.

The probe is a highly sensitive three-component Fluxgate Magnetometer System which can be deployed from a variety of platforms. The system has high detection capabilities, which in most environments can detect a 50kg WWII bomb at 2 metres from the probe. Surveys can be conducted to the maximum bomb penetration depth with high survey productivity rate.

The Computerised Intrusive Magnetometer Survey allows for the real-time control of survey data with excellent data quality and is CAD compatible.

We often embark on projects where our services are used to support UXO surveys for site clearance and safety. Working alongside specialist UXO contractors, we have completed many UXO projects in London, including  a 2-day project in central London where we completed 20 test locations to depths of up to 10m to provide clearance for pile erection.

Another project included a 4-day job on a site in Norfolk where we tested 62 locations to depths of up to 62m. This slightly more challenging location involved probing 2 metres out into the seafront from an existing pile wall where we utilised one of our excavator mounted CPT rigs to enable us to complete the works safely and within the specified timeframe.

Our magnetometer cones can be used on any of our CPT rigs and we are therefore able to complete magnetometer tests in more challenging locations such as tidal areas, railways, harbours etc.