05 Jul, 2024

On 3rd and 4th July, we exhibited once again at Geotechnica 2024 at the Warwickshire Event Centre. This event brings together a vast array of the UK’s geotechnical suppliers, manufacturers, contractors and clients for a two-day event of networking, knowledge exchange and talks from industry experts as well as live demonstrations.

This year, we were able to showcase ‘Frank’, the latest edition to our ever-increasing CPT fleet, a brand-new track-truck. On site, we also had a set of mobile detachable CPT rams and one of our excavator mounted CPT units which is ideal for sites with restricted access including railways and embankments.

Our Pressuremeter Manager, John Holt, gave a presentation, ‘Six Steps to improve the use of Pressuremeters’ where he explored:

1.    Ground conditions

2.    Pressuremeter type

3.    Drilling rig type

4.    Test pocket preparation

5.    Test time scales

6.    Alternative testing options

It was a great opportunity to share our capabilities and build on relationships with prospective clients as well as exploring all the innovative equipment on display.

As per tradition, our marquee was filled with goodies, games and laughter and we welcomed many old and new friends of the company across the two days; many of which enjoyed our penalty shootout competition which was actually much harder that it looked!

We were also honoured to win the award of ‘Most Interactive Exhibitor’- thanks to Calum and the team at Equipe- this award will sit proudly in our office and we appreciate all the effort put into running this event.